"miranda will kick your ass (demo-version)" by Milestone Miranda

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About This Track

This is kind of a rough-cut-demo-version of a song. It was done with freeware software Reaper to lay out the future path to follow. Our goal is to create stuff somewhere in the likes of industrial-jungle-breakbeat with a metal-hardcore vibe to it! We're still learning but tell us what you think about how it's turning out, ok?


  • May 23, 2007


    Heh. Reminds me quite a lot of Swamp Terrorists, which means you just gained a listener. HAHA! Still listening and it got even MORE Swamp Terrorists. Kudos. Brap
  • May 23, 2007


    Hey! I'm glad you liked it! We really appreciate that. We started this project less than a month a go and we're still much browsing around. We still don't have a basic software to work on, at this point we're checking them all out and figure what can we do with them. Some ideas are surfacing and that's about it... None of us had ever made music like this, so, you can see us as first step rookies! I must be honest and say that I never heard any Swamp Terrorists song, but I've check them out now (thanks to you!) and they really sound great! Must get some songs to my CD player!! Thanks!! Marujo

Creative Commons License

Attribution Non-commercial

This song may be downloaded, distributed, and used in films or games or other productions according to these specific terms.